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News and blog Media DeadByYawnLockdown

Jamma blog partner, 'Dead By Yawn' talks Coronavirus and how Jamma is adapting to a 'new normal' within the industry.

The planet has been slapped in the face with an astronomical dollop of sloppy cow shit that we have recklessly contrived within the boundaries of the cosmic void. The world has dived face-first into an existential, globally threatening whirlpool of life-altering doo-doo and I think I speak for everyone when I say “ah, bollocks!”. While businesses around the globe are terrified of their inevitable eternal economic misery that will be near enough impossible to come back from, nurses still risk their lives day in day out for the most vulnerable of the world. As an artist, for that, us at Jamma truly do salute them from the bottom of our hearts.

The aspect that makes it paradoxically both difficult to handle and easier to stomach is that we’re all in this together. This virus is colour blind, it has no political or cultural stance and it has no interior motives. In other words, it’s a right ol’ bobby dazzler of a bastard. It’s hit us hard with no real explanation that the world can seem to pinpoint. There’s a handful of establishment’s that are flourishing within this pandemic, but they still are having their fair share of dirt to pick up. But what Jamma knows is music and what Coronavirus doesn't know is that music too is colour blind with no political or cultural stance and it has no interior motive. The very same music that blossoms goosebumps and massages the hairs on the back of your neck will never go away. Coronavirus will.

Venues obviously can no longer host events and artists can’t gig right now which as a whole is incredibly damaging to their career, bank account and mental health. As anyone involved or aware of Jamma, they love and genuinely care for their artists and audience. You know like, actually give a toss. Not like the government pretending they care by clapping for the NHS but refusing them a pay rise...political satire - BOOM! That just happened. Jamma have realised that they need to move with the current times to make this benefit the artists and audience. What they’ve done is effectively launched a squeaky brand new podcast series called "The Lockdown Sessions". What happens in the ever-entertaining podcast is Jamma simply and light-heartedly catches up with their artists. I’ve giggled a fair few times, although I must say I can’t pretend I’m not hurt about my absence from them. Guy’s if you’re reading this, this big hunk of love has feelings too. With the same breath, they also focus on the more serious side of the subject such as working with music charities like Readipop and discussing in-depth the mental health impact within the industry itself. Which if you’re reading this, I am sure you wholeheartedly understand. A personal favourite touch of mine is that Jamma is also using this time to host virtual focus groups with existing Jamma artists and venues for feedback and thought-provoking ideas for future developments. Jamma loves their customers and I have faith that they will drive them safely in a post COVID world. When I say safely, I mean with a dash of rock n roll and Jack Daniel’s.

What I thought was pretty heart warming is that Jamma are working outstandingly hard to develop digital solutions to cater for lockdown and thereafter. I spoke to one of the owners the other day and although his excitement for the plans of Jamma was refreshing to hear, I couldn’t help but think he sounded as if he needed a green day, spa day and a posh wank, either in that order or ideally, simultaneously. Within this fantastic idea, they are live streaming exciting opportunities and the development of digital job specs for the virtual jams. If you delve into this more you’ll see that they’ve figured out how artists can be paid for this through Jamma. By the way, I know what you’re thinking, ‘Virtual Jams’ should be the name of my new band. I’ll work on it bitches.

If you’re in the music industry and quite understandably struggling through this pandemic, with my hand on my heart I truly would advise you to sign up for Jamma. You never know, there could be a universe out there that you’re missing out from. My biggest piece of advice would be to upload content to the Jamma site to get Jamma ready for when we all come out of this. Which I truly, like you hope to be soon. When power lies within the dark, let Jamma be your torch. I know through personal experience they’ve helped me as an artist and writer. I can only pass on my knowledge that this will help you.

The most important part of all of this though is, of course, please stay safe. Protect your loved ones and our wonderful NHS. We are all one. We are all Jamma.

we've been jammin' with'


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