Sam Handy, a London-based artist and songwriter, has rapidly emerged as a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. Known for his soulful vocals, exceptional songwriting, and captivating live performances, Handy has consistently delivered hit after hit.
His latest single, "Waiting for You," produced by Ed Stokes, is a testament to his unique blend of neo-soul and funk. The track seamlessly transitions from infectious grooves to raw, emotionally charged lyrics, leaving a lasting impression on listeners.
What sets Handy apart is his unwavering commitment to instrumental prowess and songwriting. By minimizing production and focusing on the core elements of his music, he creates a sound that is both authentic and immersive. His lyricism, reminiscent of classic blues and pop, combined with his powerful vocals, draws comparisons to influential artists like John Mayer, Tom Misch, and D'Angelo.
Having already garnered praise from legendary guitarist Jeff Beck and the BBC, Handy has quickly gained a dedicated following. His electrifying live performances have captivated audiences in his hometown and beyond.
Since his debut single, "Maple Syrup," released in 2016, Handy has continuously evolved his sound, exploring experimental alt-pop territories. This natural progression has solidified his position as a promising and versatile artist.
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