Inspired by the artistry of Suede, the emotion of Skunk Anansie, and the passion of The Cranberries, The Beautiful Darkness almost defies genre, think “Kate Bush meets grunge, with guitars courtesy of the eponymous ‘Zombie’ by the Cranberries”.
Herself a survivor of narcissistic abuse Nerys John has struggled free from its bonds, determined not to remain a victim.
While her songwriting continues to develop, her debut single, Victim, was “born out of darkness” yet with a mission to turn the pain of that dark place into something meaningful and beautiful. It outlines her lived experience, raises the issue of victim-blaming and shaming, ends the silence of compliance and acknowledges the victimisation, ultimately holding the perpetrator to account.
Released on the final day of “No More Week”, Nerys dedicates it to others who have suffered at the hands of their abusers.
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