Nigerian rapper and African vocalist Lil Dizzie got his first music recognition shortly after winning his first award in 2015, with consistent collaborations / features with guest appearances from Zimbabwe like Brythreesixty, Eldeeper, Mclyne Beats, Dweezy, Dakid Verse & Sharky. But Thanks to his contemplative rap styles, his delicate Afrobeat flavor, ruminative songwriting and composing. His singles like Shakuzonto, Mr Agenda, On Me, King Deuces also too charts globally. His single Go Down was recognized in the first South Africa Hiphop mixtape vol 1. Lil Dizzie was born in Nigeria with real name Opatundun Oluwafemi, his interest in music began while attending Airforce school in his late teens and he started writing his own songs and composing his music. He later graduated from redeemers university Nigeria and relocated to Ghana, where he worked with Producer Dr Spooky. His single Survivor got some attention and recognition in Accra where he performed in various events & clubs. Lil Dizzie through Twitter got connected to Zimbabwe Hiphop award winning artist Brythreesixty which got them a song together SHAY BAII. This single got recognized in Zimbabwe and also got an award for Best Collaboration. He gained more popularity amongst the Zimbabwe music industry which also got him winning the music chart on TransAfricaRadio South Africa. In 2018, his song King Deuces won a Usa Hiphop rap tourney which also got him more fans, followers and views in the states. 2017, 2018 his singles like Mr Agenda Shakuzonto BootyOverdose Born Champion Break It Down (among many others) piled up, sometimes featuring / collaborations with zimbabwe /Ghana rappers Dweezy Bwoi Wonder Dakid Verse Trap C Spicer Jimmy Blakk. In 2020, Lil Dizzie released his first album 2605 with 17-tracks. Few months after, he released an EP Black Boi Revolution.

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