Syed J. Ahmed or known as his stage name 'King Ahmed' the trade mark who is a Recording Artist, Songwriter, Record Producer, Actor, Model, Film Director and Creative Director consists of a flow like no other entering the Industry with talent. In the year 2011 King Ahmed started thinking about his path as a professional brand. Unseen before, electrifying and an unmissable presence. Spending time studying at one of the leading performing art academy's, King Ahmed took time in perfecting his craft by working and studying alongside many industry experts.
He quotes "It's been a long time coming and perfecting myself, I have been building up the skills to make sure that I have the power to make real and touching concepts from different areas of the industry of today".
This individual has taken a lead to his career to another level and as a artisan working with the industry’s finest, working on his next biggest projects each art demonstrating his vast potential and range. Pay attention to King Ahmed and his wisdom and let his electrifying style take control. Taking inspirations from the world around him he only works as a perfectionist to build a blueprint and catalogues.
For Further Enquiries Contact: [email protected]
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Instagram | king_ahmed120
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