Based in Leeds, UK, TjTUCKER is a versatile rap artist, song-writer and co-founder of HeroesNeverDie creative foundation. An artist that celebrates Independence, Autonomy and self-empowerment. TjTUCKER's artistic range stretches beyond traditional boundaries, often genre blending trap, RnB, boom bap and jazz in his productions layered with poetic wordplay and smooth delivery.
Now equipped with a 4 piece house band ‘Legends With No Name’ who have recently released their debut project. A 4 track live session tape recorded by Leeds Secret Sessions, the tape boasts what is to be expected from this outfit on the stage and in the studio. Tj continues to add to his already captivating live show already tried and tested in some of Leeds’ key venues (Belgrave Music Hall, Headrow house, Brudenell Social club, Hyde Park Book Club). TjTUCKER now looks to conquer festival stages. Highlights include Sofar Sounds Leeds 2024 (Sold out), Salemango Jazz Festival - Leeds 2023, supporting House Of Pharaohs' 2019 UK tour - Leeds, supporting Oddisee At it again tour - Leeds 2023, supporting Coops @ Belgrave - Leeds 2023. Performing overseas - Italy, Verona 2019 supporting Blackson, 30k streams for single "100%" with London artist Sorzano, including press features in Viper Mag and New wave Mag.
Not just an artist, TjTUCKER fearlessly navigates various artistic avenues, from music to voice acting and podcasting.
“The start of an expansion of his mission far beyond the groundwork he has already established. “ - Arenma Ahonsi (New Wave Mag)
“TjTUCKER takes us on a trip through the depths of his mind and the thoughts that dominate it with his introspective raps” - I AM NEXT
“A powerful message of self-empowerment and authenticity.” - Ed Lindsay (Wordplay Mag)

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