Tired Robot (aka Rob Eisner) is an Alt Pop/rock act from Reading, UK, with a heavy focus on electronic sounds.
Rob started writing songs at the age of 11 before beginning to release music as Tired Robot in 2019. Around 2017 Rob started to struggle with a throat condition called ‘muscle tension dysphonia’, where at, it’s worst, he couldn’t sing a single song without losing his voice. He very nearly gave up on music, but thankfully after several years of physical therapy, and re-learning to sing again, he is now able to make it through a full set of songs!
Rob has so far released 6 songs as Tired Robot and is planning to release at least another 6 songs in 2022 aswell as playing regular live shows
Tired Robot's sound is influenced heavily by bands like 30 Seconds to Mars, Deaf Havana, Churches and The Midnight.
At present my maximum set length is 40 minutes

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