One Man Book is West London based Indie Folk singer/songwriter Nicholas Griffin. Accompanied by a variety of multi-talented musicians, One Man Book blends alternative folk and country acoustic arrangements with thought-provoking and poetic storytelling, a sound that has been compared to Neil Young, Findlay Brown, Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, and Neil Halstead. Inspired by a diverse selection of artists, such as The Avett Brothers, Joanna Newsom, and Bon Iver, One Man Book attempts to both appreciate and transcend the myriad styles occupied by contemporary folk music, and is just as comfortable on stage alone with an acoustic guitar as with a full-fledged backing band. One Man Book has been featured in Folk London Magazine and has performed at renowned London venues The Water Rats and Slaughtered Lamb. Alongside a number of commercial indie folk albums, One Man Book creates royalty-free acoustic instrumental music for commercial licensing, with his music being used on podcasts, instagram stories, and YouTube videos.

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