I am a session drummer based in London, UK and have by now performed with a variety of acts, from philharmonic and symphonic bands, to function, tribute and original bands and artists.
Throughout the last 17 years (plus the early years of table top gigs!), I have gathered extensive experience both in the studio and performing live in a variety of music genres and styles, which spread from classical and folk to pop, blues, soul, indie, jazz, rock and metal music, among others.
Some of the names I've played drums (and sometimes BV's) for include L.A. PEACH, The Richard Smith Piano Trio, Just Like Honey, Anthony James, Elliott Millman, Izzie Naylor, Abi Farrell, I Talk To Strangers, RESET Function Band, What The Floyd, among others. I was also a key percussionist in the Philharmonic of Arrabal as well as in the Leiria Symphonic Band.
Between these, I offer remote a drum recording service, I write and produce my own music, and also teach drums.

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