I'm Marcel but I go by the stage name name of LT Madz.
Im 28 y.o and I'm an up and coming rapper from Manchester.
I have been added to the BBCNorthWestIntroducing for my track: LT Madz - Work Like Rihanna.
My first show was for Salford Council. It went down well and they said they'll have me back this year (2022).
Since then I have done numerous shows/open mic nights for different event companies and charities I.e 84Youth in Moss Side, Manchester; Manchester Madness, mic check media...
I have a real passion for music/making music/performing and seeing the fans connect with my story.
When I perform it always goes off especially: S.W.F & No Comment.
I've recently released my debut album: LT Madz - Blxck Roses on all major streaming platforms.
(Go check that out)
Once you book me and I perform you'll book me again and again.
After all it is (N)o (D)ays (O)ff.
I will perform up and down the country if you would have me.
LT Madz
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