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A new boutique recording studio situated in the heart of Berkshire..
EQ Studios’ in Berkshire and have so far been 2 years in planning and 9 months in building and is shortly to open in November 2020.
It is a fully soundproofed custom built 2 floor mezzanine unit with custom desk, acoustics absorbers, ceiling clouds and bass traps to give the engineer and artists the highest quality recordings available.
In the control room on the desk we have an SSL SiX mini desk connected through 2 x Apollo Interfaces and 2 patch bays connecting analogue outboard units such as the Vintage UAD 1176 compressor, Pultec EQA, Dangerous 2 Bus Plus, Dangerous analogue compressor, neve mic preamp plus many other features including the UAD Ultimate UAD-2 package. Sound is provided by the impressive pair of Dynaudio Core 46 Studio monitors and a pair of Adam A7X nearfield monitors. Visuals are supplied on a pair of Apple Retina displays, and synth wise we have the inimitable Dave Smith Prophet 10 and a Roland system 8, MX-1, TR8-S and SE02 modular aira linked boutique setup.
The control room also has a soundproofed and basstrapped Vocal booth where we use our range of vocal microphones such as the prolific Neuman condenser mics, SM57’s to name but a handful, the vocal booth and the upstairs mezzanine live room are all connectedvia high quality snakes to allow easy and fluid connection.
The studio has been built to Provide the best of analogue and digital to provide the most discerning engineer the very
Best tech and sound within the industry, a fusion that is unique to EQ thus making it a formidable studio to be reckoned with.
In short, EQ Studios is a sonic powerhouse that looking to be making very large waves through the music industry very soon
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