Sarah Fornito (former singer of Diva Scarlet and Decana) and Rebecca Dallolio (classically trained multi-instrumentalist) founded Cenere in 2020. For the name of the duo, the artists have taken inspiration from the mythological figure of the phoenix, which after difficulties rises up from its own ashes thanks to the same resilience that the Bolognese duo discovered to have, after the difficult period we all went through during the pandemic.
In 2021, they won the "Suoni d’ambiente" award by RadioCittàFujiko with the single "Che differenza fa" (“What difference does it male”).
On 27 May 2022 they release their single “A testa in giù” (“Upside down”) distributed by ADA Music Italy.
In September 2022, they perform as runner-up at Sanremo Rock, Trend category.

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