Alexis Corey is a dynamic and powerful vocalist and songwriter from New York City. She currently resides in London and travels the world and country sharing her music as well as hope and awareness to others who have shared suffering from addiction and mental health issues. She has performed music professionally since early childhood, however, at a young age experienced extreme life altering events which caused her to turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with life at a very young age. This led her to a significant amount of demoralization and prevented her from truly being able to pursue her music career.
What inspires her music today is the healing of her own soul and transmitting the same healing, joy and pure entertainment to other human beings. She is now in the business of creating healing through musical entertainment to transform the hearts and minds of others. The idea that we may transform and live a purposeful, meaningful and impactful life by design, which by default impacts the lives of others, is what drives her to create and evolve. It is pure alchemy. She is able to best share this through the gift of music and songwriting which she is eternally grateful for.
Alexis provides an experience of the present moment that is not to be forgotten, warms your heart and inspires you to believe in yourself and the possibilities that are limitless always within your reach!
She wants people to connect with their souls through her music and know they are not alone. She desires human beings to connect to each other across all different genders, races, sexual preferences,backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses and any other imaginary labels we as a collective humanity have created. The true purpose of music and healing is to foster connection and community to enable all to lead a joyous life filled with abundance and happiness.
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